Section: New Results

Invisiblity and transmission eigenvalues

Trapped modes and reflectionless modes as eigenfunctions of the same spectral problem

A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, L. Chesnel and V. Pagneux

We consider the reflection-transmission problem in a waveguide with obstacle. At certain frequencies, for some incident waves, intensity is perfectly transmitted and the reflected field decays exponentially at infinity. We show that such reflectionless modes can be characterized as eigenfunctions of an original non-selfadjoint spectral problem. In order to select ingoing waves on one side of the obstacle and outgoing waves on the other side, we use complex scalings (or Perfectly Matched Layers) with imaginary parts of different signs. We prove that the real eigenvalues of the obtained spectrum correspond either to trapped modes (or bound states in the continuum) or to reflectionless modes. Interestingly, complex eigenvalues also contain useful information on weak reflection cases. When the geometry has certain symmetries, the new spectral problem enters the class of 𝒫𝒯-symmetric problems.

Transmission eigenvalues with artificial background for explicit material index identification

L. Audibert, L. Chesnel and H. Haddar

We are interested in the problem of retrieving information on the refractive index n of a penetrable inclusion embedded in a reference medium from farfield data associated with incident plane waves. Our approach relies on the use of transmission eigenvalues (TEs) that carry information on n and that can be determined from the knowledge of the farfield operator F. We explain how to modify F into a farfield operator Fa=F-F˜, where F˜ is computed numerically, corresponding to well chosen artificial background and for which the associated TEs provide more accessible information on n.

Simple examples of perfectly invisible and trapped modes in waveguides

L. Chesnel and V. Pagneux

We consider the propagation of waves in a waveguide with Neumann boundary conditions. We work at low wavenumber focusing our attention on the monomode regime. We assume that the waveguide is symmetric with respect to an axis orthogonal to the longitudinal direction and is endowed with a branch of height L whose width coincides with the wavelength of the propagating modes. In this setting, tuning the parameter L, we prove the existence of simple geometries where the transmission coefficient is equal to one (perfect invisibility). We also show that these geometries, for possibly different values of L, support so called trapped modes (non zero solutions of finite energy of the homogeneous problem) associated with eigenvalues embedded in the continuous spectrum.

Invisibility and perfect reflectivity in waveguides with finite length branches

L. Chesnel, S.A. Nazarov and V. Pagneux

We consider a time-harmonic wave problem, appearing for example in water-waves theory, in acoustics or in electromagnetism, in a setting such that the analysis reduces to the study of a 2D waveguide problem with a Neumann boundary condition. The geometry is symmetric with respect to an axis orthogonal to the direction of propagation of waves. Moreover, the waveguide contains one branch of finite length. We analyse the behaviour of the complex scattering coefficients , 𝒯 as the length of the branch increases and we exhibit situations where non reflectivity (=0, |𝒯|=1), perfect reflectivity (||=1, 𝒯=0) or perfect invisibility (=0, 𝒯=1) hold. Numerical experiments illustrate the different results.

Invisibility in scattering theory

L. Chesnel, A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia and S.A. Nazarov

We are interested in a time harmonic acoustic problem in a waveguide with locally perturbed sound hard walls. We consider a setting where an observer generates incident plane waves at - and probes the resulting scattered field at - and +. Practically, this is equivalent to measure the reflection and transmission coefficients respectively denoted R and T. In a recent work, a technique has been proposed to construct waveguides with smooth walls such that R=0 and |T|=1 (non reflection). However the approach fails to ensure T=1 (perfect transmission without phase shift). First we establish a result explaining this observation. More precisely, we prove that for wavenumbers smaller than a given bound k depending on the geometry, we cannot have T=1 so that the observer can detect the presence of the defect if he/she is able to measure the phase at +. In particular, if the perturbation is smooth and small (in amplitude and in width), k is very close to the threshold wavenumber. Then, in a second step, we change the point of view and, for a given wavenumber, working with singular perturbations of the domain, we show how to obtain T=1. In this case, the scattered field is exponentially decaying both at - and +. We implement numerically the method to provide examples of such undetectable defects.

New sets of eigenvalues in inverse scattering for inhomogeneous media and their determination from scattering data

F. Cakoni, H. Haddar and L. Audibert

We developed a general mathematical framework to determine interior eigenvalues from a knowledge of the modified far field operator associated with an unknown (anisotropic) inhomogeneity. The modified far field operator is obtained by subtracting from the measured far field operator the computed far field operator corresponding to a well-posed scattering problem depending on one (possibly complex) parameter. Injectivity of this modified far field operator is related to an appropriate eigenvalue problem whose eigenvalues can be determined from the scattering data, and thus can be used to obtain information about material properties of the unknown inhomogeneity. We discuss here two examples of such modification leading to a Steklov eigenvalue problem, and a new type of the transmission eigenvalue problem. We present some numerical examples demonstrating the viability of our method for determining the interior eigenvalues form far field data.

The Asymptotic of Transmission Eigenvalues for a Domain with a Thin Coating

H. Boujlida, H Haddar and M. Khenissi

We consider the transmission eigenvalue problem for a medium surrounded by a thin layer of inhomogeneous material with different refractive index. We derive explicit asymptotic expansion for the transmission eigenvalues with respect to the thickness of the thin layer. We prove error estimate for the asymptotic expansion up to order 1 for simple eigenvalues. This expansion can be used to obtain explicit expressions for constant index of refraction.